Cherating and Chinatown

Here is some Malaysia Traveller Trivia about Cherating and Chinatown.


Cherating is a popular east coast beach destination in Pahang state. Accommodation ranges from backpacker standard up to the famous Club Med which has been welcoming visitors in Cherating for over 30 years.


One of the prime tourist destinations in downtown Kuala Lumpur is Petaling Street. Guide books often refer to this area as ‘Chinatown’ which is a bit odd considering that Malaysia has such a huge and widespread ethnically Chinese population. Still, the overwhelming influence in Petaling Street is Chinese and it is a good place to sample excellent Cantonese cuisine and local favourites. The street is probably more famous for the shopping. Vendors’ stalls line the road selling t-shirts, souvenir items, fake Mont Blanc pens, imitation Coach handbags and so on. Bargaining is a must.


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